

Wreck of the Louilla resting on top of Gordon reef in the Straits of Tiran, just by the edge of the Sinai. Beneath her lies a pile of her anchor chains, giving the form of a whale. Wrecks become part of the eco-system they get in contact within no time. Soft corals develop very soon and they can become the shelter for schools of juveniles. But also, they can have a devastating effect on their surroundings. This wreck sits on top of Gordon reef, battered by the waves, and is slowly deteriorating. Last summer, part of the superstructure collapsed, and the wreck lost its epic cinematic look. In a few decades, the reef should be free again from the remains of this once huge freighter.

Awarded at: UPY London 2017, UK / Fine Art Photography Awards 2016, UK / MontPhoto 2016, Spain / NaturArt WPOTY 2015, Hungary


5865 x 3910px


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